Petition to UNESCO - Against Discrimination of Macedonian Language

Quoted post



2010-11-30 23:27

Macedonians were Hellenic people. Skopians are a Slav people who invaded the Balkans in the 6th century AD. Skopians speak Slavo Bulgarian language and have no relationship to anything Macedonian.

I propose they name their language Vardaski and their country Vardaska.

Macedonia is Greek!



#470 Re:

2010-12-01 00:30:14

#464: -  

shut your ugly  mouth.....

Tony Gjorgievski

#472 Re:

2010-12-01 07:33:57

#464: -  

 Hey #464,

Why are you so afraid to use your name?

Macedonians don't bite...well not yet anyway :)

Let's clear something up first. When you use the term Vardar or any derivative you are refering to the river that runs through the heart of Macedonia. It is not a descriptor for a nation. We simply identify as Macedonian. I know it hurts, but you are going to have to do your best to overcome your prejudices and accept the truth that you Greeks only marched into Salonika in 1913 and it was not until the late 1980s that your government commenced using the name Macedonia for the most northern province as opposed to Northern Greece. Whereas for us it has always been Macedonia and always will be for that matter.

What are you afraid of #464?