Petition to UNESCO - Against Discrimination of Macedonian Language

Quoted post

alexander the great

#483 Macedonia is Bulgaria

2010-12-06 07:56

Macedonia has been artificially created by Yugoslavia and should not exist.



#493 Never Greek

2010-12-23 16:46:13

#483: alexander the great - Macedonia is Bulgaria  


The arteficially created country here is Greece,1829 for the first time in history with Austrian King.Macedonia always existed and will exist,only the sun is older than Macedonia.Macedonia is eternal,and will prevail all obstacles,even a turd like Greece.Your history starts since 1829,Macedonian history starts with the history.Even the bible talks about Macedonians who are mentioned 28 times in it.Nobody and never heard about Greeks before,even the Greeks themselves,and when they found out what Greek means they changed their Name in Ellada.While the City states(non Macedonian) had Democracy,Macedonia had a Monarchy,and were still Free people.